Classes | |
class | C1DAnisoMTSynthData |
Calculate response of a 1D anisotropic model, code is based on Pek and Santos fortran code. More... | |
class | C1DMTSynthData |
Calculate synthetic MT data for a 1D model using Cagniard's algorithm. More... | |
class | ThreeDMTModel |
The class 3DMTModel manages 3D models for magnetotelluric model calculations, at this point this is only for file management and plotting purposes. More... | |
class | MagneticTF |
Store th local magnetic transfer function (tipper) More... | |
class | MTStation |
The class MTStation is used to store the transfer functions and related information for a MT-site. More... | |
class | HasSameName |
returns if station a and b have the same name More... | |
class | MTStationList |
MTStationList holds a number of MTSites, usually associated with a single project, line, etc. More... | |
class | MTTensor |
Stores MT-Tensor components at a single frequency, calculates derived quantities. More... | |
class | PTensorMTData |
This class is for the special case where we only have phase tensor data and errors, but not the full impedance. More... | |
class | PTensorMTStation |
class | BirrpAsciiFormat |
BirrpAsciiFormat reads and stores MT data in the ascii format used by the birrp processing software. More... | |
class | CsvFormat |
This class reads and writes data from Comma Separated Files CSV as produced by Excel etc. this particular flavour. More... | |
class | LemiTsFormat |
Read and write ascii files produced by the LEMI instruments. More... | |
class | MtuFilter |
Store the filter coefficients for one component of Phoenix mtu data. More... | |
class | MtuFormat |
Read and write phoenix mtu binary files. More... | |
class | TimeSeries |
This class is the base class for all classes dealing with MT time series. More... | |
class | TimeSeriesData |
TimeSeriesData stores a pointer to the different components of magnetotelluric data and provides functions to read and write it to files. More... | |
class | AdaptiveFilter |
A generic base class for all types of adaptive filters. More... | |
class | AMRLSCanceller |
An implementation of the Recursive Least Squares filter with adptive memory as described in Hakin, p. 663. More... | |
class | ApplyFilter |
Apply an adaptive filter to a time-series. More... | |
class | IterDecon |
The iterative deconvolution algorithm, mainly used for receiver function computation. More... | |
class | LMSCanceller |
Implements a LMS adaptive filter. More... | |
class | LSSOFilter |
Base class for least squares filter with a single output value. More... | |
class | RLSCanceller |
Implements a recursive least-squares adaptive filter, as described in Haykin, p. 443. More... | |
class | WienerFilter |
This class is currently broken !!!!! More... | |
class | WienerInterpolator |
class | AnisoSurfaceWaveModel |
A class to store information about anisotropic surface wave models. More... | |
class | AnisoSurfaceWaveObjective |
This class calculates the misfit for anisotropic surface wave dispersion data. More... | |
class | AnisoSurfaceWaveSynthetic |
Calculate synthetic anisotropic surface wave data. More... | |
class | CalcRecConf |
class | CalcSpectralElement |
This class calculates one spectral element of the receiver function from the two input spectral elements. More... | |
class | FkModel |
A model for forward calculations with a wavenumber integration code, currently not in use and might be removed in a later version. More... | |
class | MoveoutCorrection |
class | MultiAnisoSurfaceWaveObjective |
Minimize the misfit for several surface wave dispersion curves simultaneously. More... | |
class | MultiRecCalc |
This class implements the multi-site receiver function calculation in the frequency domain as suggested by Gurrolla 1995. More... | |
class | ParkSurfaceWaveData |
class | RecCalc |
This class is used to calculate receiver functions from seismic data. More... | |
class | RecInvConf |
class | ResPkModel |
This class stores and writes model for the respktn 1D seismic code that we use for receiver function calculations. More... | |
class | RFVelCalc |
This class implements the method to calculate absolute S-Wave velocities from Receiver function data as described by Sevnningsen and Jacobsen, GJI 2007. More... | |
class | Sdisp96Model |
This class can write files specific for the synthetic surface wave codes that are part of the computer programs in seismology. More... | |
class | SeismicDataComp |
class | SeismicModel |
The class SeismicModel is the base class for some of the model format for seismic codes. More... | |
class | SeismicStationList |
Manages a collection of seismic traces, mainly provides functionality to read in data specified in a file with names. More... | |
struct | CalcDensity |
Calculate density from a given S-velocity, the formula is taken from Owen et al. JGR 89,7783-7795 and modified for vs. More... | |
struct | CalcAngle1 |
struct | Pow10 |
class | SurfaceWaveData |
A class to read, write and store fundamental mode surface wave dispersion data. More... | |
class | SurfaceWaveModel |
A class to store 1D model for calculation of synthetic surface wave data. More... | |
class | SurfaceWaveObjective |
This class calculates the misfit between observed surface wave dispersion data and the data calculated from a seismic model. More... | |
class | SurfaceWaveSynthetic |
Calculate synthetic fundamental mode Rayleigh phase velocity data from an isotropic 1D model. More... | |
class | SWAnisoRoughness |
Calculate the roughness for anisotropic SW models. More... | |
class | SimpleLp |
A simple low pass. More... | |
class | TimeSeriesComponent |
TimeSeriesComponent is the base storage class for all types of time series data. More... | |
class | TsSpectrum |
The class CTsSpectrum is used to calculate spectra from (real) time series data. More... | |
struct | Hamming |
This functor returns the weighting factor for the Hamming window, given the relative position relpos [0..1] in the time series. More... | |
struct | Hanning |
This functor returns the weighting factor for the Hanning window, given the relative position (0..1) in the time series. More... | |
struct | Boxcar |
A functor for the simple Boxcar function. More... | |
struct | Steep |
This functor rises steeply at the edges and then has a wide range where it is unity. More... | |
struct | CosSq |
The cosine squared windows of fixed width. More... | |
class | TruncCosSq |
A variable width cosine squared window that is zero outside. More... | |
class | AnnealingGA |
AnnealingGA implements a genetic algorithm with an annealing style objective function. More... | |
class | BinaryPopulation |
A population that is encoded as a simple binary string. More... | |
class | BinaryTournamentSelect |
Implements binary tournament selection for genetic algorithms. More... | |
class | BinaryTranscribe |
BinaryTranscibe implements transcription for standard binary populations. More... | |
class | GAConf |
struct | CopyFromPointer |
Copy the objective function within the shared pointer. More... | |
struct | GenObjective |
Generate a new copy of the Objective function vector. More... | |
class | GeneralGA |
General genetic algorithm class. More... | |
class | GeneralObjective |
The basic object for any objective function, mainly an interface class and some storage. More... | |
class | GeneralPopulation |
The base class for the population of a genetic algorithm, implements storage and access functions. More... | |
class | GeneralPropagation |
The base class for genetic algorithm propagation methods. More... | |
class | GeneralRNG |
The base class for all random number generators, defines the basic interface. More... | |
class | GeneralSelect |
GeneralSelect is the abstract base class for any selection mechanism in genetic algorithms. More... | |
class | GeneralTranscribe |
General Transcribe base class for genetic algorithm parameter transcription. More... | |
class | GrayTranscribe |
This class implements the Gray code representation of a binary string and the corresponding transcription. More... | |
class | dominates |
Determines whether one vector of misfit values is partially less than the other. More... | |
class | ParetoGA |
Implements a genetic algorithm based on the concept of pareto-optimality, best suited for multi-objective problems. More... | |
class | PlottableObjective |
This only adds a few plotting functions to GeneralObjective to define a common interface. More... | |
class | SimpleSelect |
This is a relatively simple selection scheme for the genetic algorithms. More... | |
class | StandardPropagation |
This is the standard propagation class that generates a new population from the old one. More... | |
class | TestObjective |
class | TestObjective2 |
class | UniformRNG |
Generate uniformly distributed random numbers, this is basically a wrapper for the boost random number generators, that is a little easier to use. More... | |
class | UniquePop |
This class stores a single unique copy of each population member that is added to it. More... | |
class | FatalException |
The basic exception class for all errors that arise in gplib. More... | |
class | BipolarActivationFunction |
The bipolar activation function is a common function in NN applications. More... | |
class | GeneralActivationFunction |
The base class for all activation functions in neural network. More... | |
class | GeneralLinearCombiner |
A linear combiner as a component of a neural network. More... | |
class | GeneralNeuron |
The base class for all neurons in a neural network. More... | |
class | IdentityActivationFunction |
This activation function simply outputs its input. More... | |
class | InputNeuron |
class | NeuralNetwork |
class | SigmoidalNeuron |
SigmoidalNeuron implements the main functionality of neurons in a neural network. More... | |
class | ArraySampleGenerator |
Sequentially returns the elements of an array. More... | |
class | Bootstrap |
Implementation of the Bootstrap error estimation method. More... | |
class | Jacknife |
Implements the Jacknifing method of error estimation. More... | |
class | MTSampleGenerator |
Generate random elements of a calculated quantity for MT impedance data. More... | |
class | StatErrEst |
This class is used as a base for stochastic error estimation. More... | |
class | AbsVelRecObjective |
This objective function calculates the weighted misfit for a receiver function and the corresponding absolute velocity transformation. More... | |
class | Aniso1DMTObjective |
class | C1DMTObjective |
C1DMTObjective is the base class for MT misfit calculations from 1D models, it provides common functionality to calculate the misfit of various MT parameters. More... | |
class | C1DRecObjective |
Calculate the misfit between observed receiver function for a given 1D model by calculating a synthetic receiver function from that model. More... | |
class | CombinedRoughness |
CombinedRoughness calculates the roughness of a joint MT- receiver functions model without consideration for different parameter ranges. More... | |
class | Iso1DMTObjective |
This class implements the forward calculation for a 1D isotropic MT model. More... | |
class | IsoJointConf |
class | MTAnisoRoughness |
Caclulate the roughness for anisotropic MT models. More... | |
class | MTInvConf |
class | MTRecObjective |
class | MTRoughness |
Calculate the roughness for the MT part of a joint MT-seismic model as used by 1dinvga. More... | |
class | Multi1DRecObjective |
This class is used to model several receiver functions simultaneously. More... | |
class | PTensor1DMTObjective |
This is a special objective function to fit phase tensor MT data. More... | |
class | SeismicModelDiff |
SeismicModelDiff calculates the roughness of a joint MT- receiver functions model compared to a seismic model. More... | |
class | SurfInvConf |
class | AnisoJointConf |
Typedefs | |
typedef std::vector< MTStation > | tStationList |
typedef std::vector< std::pair < MTStation *, MTStation * > > | tStatSyncPair |
typedef ublas::vector< double > | tprobabilityv |
typedef ublas::vector< double > | tmisfit |
typedef ublas::vector< double > | tdata |
typedef ublas::vector< double > | tcrowddistv |
typedef ublas::vector< double > | ttranscribed |
typedef ublas::vector< bool > | tpopmember |
typedef ublas::vector< double > | tfitvec |
typedef gplib::rmat | tfitmat |
typedef gplib::rmat | tpopulation |
typedef std::vector< int > | tindexv |
typedef ublas::vector< int > | tsizev |
typedef std::multimap< double, int > | tIndexMap |
typedef boost::function< const tprobabilityv &()> | tProbabilityFunction |
typedef boost::function< const tcrowddistv &()> | tDistanceFunction |
Enumerations | |
enum | ttsdatatype { tsunknown, mtu, birrp, csv, lemi } |
ttsdatatype is used to store the source the data was read from More... | |
Functions | |
dcomp | dfp (const dcomp x) |
dcomp | dfm (const dcomp x) |
void | CollapseModel (ttranscribed &Thickness, ttranscribed &ParmValue) |
Remove layers with identical parameters from the model and collapse them into a single layer each. More... | |
double | CalcPhi (const std::complex< double > &Z) |
std::complex< double > | CalcS1 (const MTTensor &Z) |
void | TrimFilename (std::string &name) |
void | MttLine (std::ofstream &outfile, double value) |
tStatSyncPair | FindCorrespondingSites (tStationList &MasterList, tStationList &SlaveList) |
Take two different site Lists of arguments and return a vector of pairs that point to the sites that correspond to each other. More... | |
std::complex< double > | RhoPhiToZ (const double freq, const double rho, const double phi) |
double | Alpha_phi (const double phi11, const double phi12, const double phi21, const double phi22) |
return the phase tensor rotation angle as a function of the four phase tensor elements More... | |
double | Beta_phi (const double phi11, const double phi12, const double phi21, const double phi22) |
return the phase tensor skew angle as a function of the four phase tensor elements More... | |
double | Pi1 (const double phi11, const double phi12, const double phi21, const double phi22) |
return the phase tensor rotational invariant ![]() | |
double | Pi2 (const double phi11, const double phi12, const double phi21, const double phi22) |
return the phase tensor rotational invariant ![]() | |
double | PhiStrike (const double phi11, const double phi12, const double phi21, const double phi22) |
return the phase tensor strike angle as a function of the four phase tensor elements More... | |
double | PhiMax (const double phi11, const double phi12, const double phi21, const double phi22) |
Return the maximum principal component of the phase tensor. More... | |
double | PhiMin (const double phi11, const double phi12, const double phi21, const double phi22) |
Return the mimum principal component of the phase tensor. More... | |
double | trPhi (const double phi11, const double phi12, const double phi21, const double phi22) |
Return the trace of the phase tensor. More... | |
double | skPhi (const double phi11, const double phi12, const double phi21, const double phi22) |
Return the skew of the phase tensor. More... | |
double | detPhi (const double phi11, const double phi12, const double phi21, const double phi22) |
Return the determinant of the phase tensor. More... | |
double | Phi1 (const double phi11, const double phi12, const double phi21, const double phi22) |
double | Phi2 (const double phi11, const double phi12, const double phi21, const double phi22) |
double | GetPhi2Sq (const double phi11, const double phi12, const double phi21, const double phi22) |
double | GetPhi3 (const double phi11, const double phi12, const double phi21, const double phi22) |
double | GetPhiEllip (const double phi11, const double phi12, const double phi21, const double phi22) |
Return the ellipticity of the phase tensor. More... | |
template<class VectorType > | |
void | ReadVec (NcFile &NetCDFFile, const std::string &DataName, const std::string &DimName, VectorType &Position) |
Read a vector from a netcdf file. More... | |
template<class VectorType > | |
void | WriteVec (NcFile &NetCDFFile, const std::string &MeasPosName, const VectorType &Position, NcDim *Dimension, const std::string unit) |
Write a vectorial quantity to a netcdf file. More... | |
void | WriteImpedanceComp (NcFile &NetCDFFile, NcDim *StatNumDim, NcDim *FreqDim, const gplib::rvec &Impedances, const std::string &CompName, const size_t compindex) |
void | ReadImpedanceComp (NcFile &NetCDFFile, gplib::rvec &Impedances, const std::string &CompName, const size_t compindex) |
void | WriteImpedancesToNetCDF (const std::string &filename, const std::vector< double > &Frequencies, const std::vector< double > &StatXCoord, const std::vector< double > &StatYCoord, const std::vector< double > &StatZCoord, const gplib::rvec &Impedances) |
Write magnetotelluric impedances to a netcdf file. More... | |
void | ReadImpedancesFromNetCDF (const std::string &filename, std::vector< double > &Frequencies, std::vector< double > &StatXCoord, std::vector< double > &StatYCoord, std::vector< double > &StatZCoord, gplib::rvec &Impedances) |
Read magnetotelluric impedances from a netcdf file. More... | |
void | Synchronize (TimeSeries &Data1, TimeSeries &Data2) |
Synchronize only works for continuous data at this point. More... | |
bool | IsSpikeAbsolute (const double prediff, const double postdiff, const double currvalue, const double Threshold) |
bool | IsSpikePreRel (const double prediff, const double postdiff, const double currvalue, const double Threshold) |
bool | IsSpikePostRel (const double prediff, const double postdiff, const double currvalue, const double Threshold) |
bool | IsSpikeAnyRel (const double prediff, const double postdiff, const double currvalue, const double Threshold) |
bool | IsSpikeBothRel (const double prediff, const double postdiff, const double currvalue, const double Threshold) |
std::complex< double > | sign (const std::complex< double > &z) |
double | non_lin (const double x) |
void | ComplexICA (cmat &input, cmat &source_estimate, cmat &mixing_matrix) |
void | FastICA (rmat &input, rmat &source_estimate, rmat &mixing_matrix) |
void | KHLExpand (const rvec &input, rmat &v, rvec &a) |
template<class InMatrix , class OutMatrix > | |
bool | InvertMatrix (InMatrix &input, OutMatrix &inverse) |
void | Normalize (std::vector< double > &Trace) |
double | FreqToW (const double f) |
Transform from frequency domain to w-domain. More... | |
template<typename _InputIterator , typename _OutputIterator > | |
void | ShortCorr (_InputIterator masterbegin, _InputIterator masterend, _InputIterator shortbegin, _InputIterator shortend, _OutputIterator outbegin) |
Calculate the correlation between a short time series and a master time series. More... | |
template<typename InputIterator , typename OutputIterator , typename WindowFunctype > | |
void | StackedSpectrum (InputIterator tsbegin, InputIterator tsend, OutputIterator freqbegin, const size_t seglength, WindowFunctype WFunc) |
This template is used to calculate stacked spectra for example for power spectrum estimation. More... | |
template<typename InputIterator , typename WindowFunctype > | |
gplib::cmat | TimeFrequency (InputIterator tsbegin, InputIterator tsend, const size_t seglength, WindowFunctype WFunc) |
Calculate a sliding windowed fourier transform for a time series and store the results for each segment in a matrix. More... | |
template<typename InputIterator , typename OutputIterator , typename WindowFunctype > | |
void | ApplyWindow (InputIterator inbegin, InputIterator inend, OutputIterator outbegin, WindowFunctype WFunc, double relshift=0.0) |
Apply one of the above window functions to a range. More... | |
std::string | MakeParallelID (const int j, const int i, const int iterationnumber, const int Programnum) |
Generate a unique ID for filenames etc. so we can call generated scripts in parallel. More... | |
template<typename UblasMatrix > | |
UblasMatrix | Cov (const UblasMatrix &observations) |
Calculate the NxN covariance matrix for a NxM matrix of observations with 0 mean. More... | |
template<typename UblasMatrix > | |
void | PCA (const UblasMatrix &observations, gplib::cmat &evectors, gplib::cvec &evalues) |
This template function calculates the principal component rotation matrix from a matrix of observations. More... | |
gplib::cmat | WhiteMat (gplib::cmat &evectors, gplib::cvec &evalues) |
Calculate the Whitening Matrix. More... | |
gplib::cmat | DeWhiteMat (gplib::cmat &evectors, gplib::cvec &evalues) |
Calculate the Dewhitening Matrix. More... | |
template<typename InputIterator > | |
std::iterator_traits < InputIterator >::value_type | Mean (InputIterator begin, InputIterator end) |
Calculate the mean for a given range. More... | |
template<typename InputIterator > | |
std::iterator_traits < InputIterator >::value_type | Variance (InputIterator begin, InputIterator end, typename std::iterator_traits< InputIterator >::value_type mv) |
Calculate the Variance and give the mean as a third input parameter. More... | |
template<typename InputIterator > | |
std::iterator_traits < InputIterator >::value_type | Variance (InputIterator begin, InputIterator end) |
Calculate the Variance for a given range when the mean is not known and has to be calculated as well. More... | |
template<typename InputIterator > | |
std::iterator_traits < InputIterator >::value_type | MeanErr (InputIterator begin, InputIterator end) |
Calculate the Mean Error for a given input range. More... | |
template<typename InputIterator > | |
std::iterator_traits < InputIterator >::value_type | MeanErr (InputIterator begin, InputIterator end, typename std::iterator_traits< InputIterator >::value_type mv) |
Calculate the Mean Error for a given input range when the mean is known and passed as a third parameter. More... | |
template<typename InputIterator > | |
std::iterator_traits < InputIterator >::value_type | StdDev (InputIterator begin, InputIterator end, typename std::iterator_traits< InputIterator >::value_type mv) |
Calculate the Standard deviation with a given mean. More... | |
template<typename InputIterator > | |
std::iterator_traits < InputIterator >::value_type | StdDev (InputIterator begin, InputIterator end) |
Calculate the Standard Deviation. More... | |
template<typename InputIterator > | |
void | SubMean (InputIterator begin, InputIterator end, typename std::iterator_traits< InputIterator >::value_type mean) |
Substract the mean from each element in the container, mean is passed as a parameter. More... | |
template<typename InputIterator > | |
void | SubMean (InputIterator begin, InputIterator end) |
Substract the mean from each element in the container, mean is calculated. More... | |
template<typename InputIterator > | |
std::iterator_traits < InputIterator >::value_type | Median (InputIterator begin, InputIterator end) |
Calculate the median for a vector style container. More... | |
void | Member2Aniso (const ttranscribed &member, C1DAnisoMTSynthData &Synth) |
This function sets the properties for the 1D MT anisotropic forward calculation, from the variable member as used in the genetic algorithm. More... | |
template<typename tConfObject > | |
void | SetupMTFitParameters (const tConfObject &Configuration, C1DMTObjective &Objective) |
Variables | |
const int | frequenzen = 50 |
const float | T [frequenzen] |
const std::map< std::string, MTStation::tmtdataformat > | MTFileTypes |
const std::string | FreqDimName = "Frequency" |
const char | tagsize = 32 |
const double | maxlambda = 1.0 - 1e-6 |
const int | maxoutputchannels = 1 |
std::string | dispdata |
int | surffitexponent |
double | surferror |
std::complex<double> gplib::CalcS1 | ( | const MTTensor & | Z | ) |
Definition at line 17 of file MTFuncs.h.
References gplib::MTTensor::GetZxx(), and gplib::MTTensor::GetZyy().
void gplib::CollapseModel | ( | ttranscribed & | Thickness, |
ttranscribed & | ParmValue | ||
) |
Remove layers with identical parameters from the model and collapse them into a single layer each.
Definition at line 7 of file CollapseModel.cpp.
References size.
Referenced by gplib::C1DRecObjective::PreParallel().
void gplib::ComplexICA | ( | cmat & | input, |
cmat & | source_estimate, | ||
cmat & | mixing_matrix | ||
) |
Definition at line 29 of file ComplexICA.h.
References non_lin(), PCA(), sign(), and WhiteMat().
inline |
Definition at line 117 of file C1DAnisoMTSynthData.cpp.
inline |
Definition at line 111 of file C1DAnisoMTSynthData.cpp.
bool gplib::InvertMatrix | ( | InMatrix & | input, |
OutMatrix & | inverse | ||
) |
Definition at line 15 of file WienerFilter.cpp.
Referenced by gplib::WienerFilter::AdaptFilter().
void gplib::KHLExpand | ( | const rvec & | input, |
rmat & | v, | ||
rvec & | a | ||
) |
std::string gplib::MakeParallelID | ( | const int | j, |
const int | i, | ||
const int | iterationnumber, | ||
const int | Programnum | ||
) |
Generate a unique ID for filenames etc. so we can call generated scripts in parallel.
Definition at line 45 of file GeneralGA.cpp.
inline |
This function sets the properties for the 1D MT anisotropic forward calculation, from the variable member as used in the genetic algorithm.
Definition at line 10 of file Member2Aniso.h.
References gplib::C1DAnisoMTSynthData::SetDips(), gplib::C1DAnisoMTSynthData::SetRho1(), gplib::C1DAnisoMTSynthData::SetRho2(), gplib::C1DAnisoMTSynthData::SetRho3(), gplib::C1DAnisoMTSynthData::SetSlants(), gplib::C1DAnisoMTSynthData::SetStrikes(), and gplib::C1DAnisoMTSynthData::SetThicknesses().
Referenced by gplib::PTensor1DMTObjective::SafeParallel().
inline |
Definition at line 762 of file MTStation.cpp.
double gplib::non_lin | ( | const double | x | ) |
Definition at line 24 of file ComplexICA.h.
Referenced by ComplexICA().
void gplib::ReadImpedanceComp | ( | NcFile & | NetCDFFile, |
gplib::rvec & | Impedances, | ||
const std::string & | CompName, | ||
const size_t | compindex | ||
) |
Definition at line 73 of file ReadWriteImpedances.cpp.
Referenced by ReadImpedancesFromNetCDF().
void gplib::ReadVec | ( | NcFile & | NetCDFFile, |
const std::string & | DataName, | ||
const std::string & | DimName, | ||
VectorType & | Position | ||
) |
Read a vector from a netcdf file.
Definition at line 27 of file ReadWriteImpedances.cpp.
Referenced by ReadImpedancesFromNetCDF().
inline |
Definition at line 662 of file MTTensor.h.
void gplib::SetupMTFitParameters | ( | const tConfObject & | Configuration, |
C1DMTObjective & | Objective | ||
) |
Definition at line 8 of file MTFitSetup.h.
References gplib::C1DMTObjective::AppendFitParameters(), gplib::MTTensor::GetAlpha(), gplib::MTTensor::GetAlpha_phi(), gplib::MTTensor::GetBerd(), gplib::MTTensor::GetBeta_phi(), gplib::MTTensor::GetdBerd(), gplib::MTTensor::GetdDet(), gplib::MTTensor::GetDet(), gplib::MTTensor::GetdPhixx(), gplib::MTTensor::GetdPhixy(), gplib::MTTensor::GetdPhiyx(), gplib::MTTensor::GetdPhiyy(), gplib::MTTensor::GetdRhoxx(), gplib::MTTensor::GetdRhoxy(), gplib::MTTensor::GetdRhoyx(), gplib::MTTensor::GetdRhoyy(), gplib::MTTensor::GetdZero(), gplib::MTTensor::GetPhi11(), gplib::MTTensor::GetPhi12(), gplib::MTTensor::GetPhi21(), gplib::MTTensor::GetPhi22(), gplib::MTTensor::GetPhiMax(), gplib::MTTensor::GetPhiMin(), gplib::MTTensor::GetPhixx(), gplib::MTTensor::GetPhixy(), gplib::MTTensor::GetPhiyx(), gplib::MTTensor::GetPhiyy(), gplib::MTTensor::GetRhoxx(), gplib::MTTensor::GetRhoxy(), gplib::MTTensor::GetRhoyx(), and gplib::MTTensor::GetRhoyy().
std::complex<double> gplib::sign | ( | const std::complex< double > & | z | ) |
Definition at line 16 of file ComplexICA.h.
Referenced by ComplexICA().
void gplib::TrimFilename | ( | std::string & | name | ) |
Definition at line 35 of file MTStation.cpp.
void gplib::WriteImpedanceComp | ( | NcFile & | NetCDFFile, |
NcDim * | StatNumDim, | ||
NcDim * | FreqDim, | ||
const gplib::rvec & | Impedances, | ||
const std::string & | CompName, | ||
const size_t | compindex | ||
) |
Definition at line 58 of file ReadWriteImpedances.cpp.
Referenced by WriteImpedancesToNetCDF().
void gplib::WriteVec | ( | NcFile & | NetCDFFile, |
const std::string & | MeasPosName, | ||
const VectorType & | Position, | ||
NcDim * | Dimension, | ||
const std::string | unit | ||
) |
Write a vectorial quantity to a netcdf file.
Definition at line 45 of file ReadWriteImpedances.cpp.
Referenced by WriteImpedancesToNetCDF().
std::string gplib::dispdata |
Definition at line 26 of file SurfInvConf.cpp.
const std::string gplib::FreqDimName = "Frequency" |
Definition at line 55 of file ReadWriteImpedances.cpp.
Referenced by ReadImpedancesFromNetCDF(), and WriteImpedancesToNetCDF().
const int gplib::frequenzen = 50 |
Definition at line 11 of file C1DAnisoMTSynthData.cpp.
Referenced by gplib::C1DMTSynthData::CalcSynthetic(), and gplib::C1DAnisoMTSynthData::GetData().
const double gplib::maxlambda = 1.0 - 1e-6 |
Definition at line 9 of file AMRLSCanceller.cpp.
const int gplib::maxoutputchannels = 1 |
Definition at line 7 of file LSSOFilter.cpp.
double gplib::surferror |
Definition at line 28 of file SurfInvConf.cpp.
int gplib::surffitexponent |
Definition at line 27 of file SurfInvConf.cpp.
const float gplib::T |
Definition at line 12 of file C1DAnisoMTSynthData.cpp.
Referenced by gplib::AnnealingGA::CalcProbabilities(), gplib::C1DMTSynthData::CalcSynthetic(), and gplib::C1DAnisoMTSynthData::GetData().
const char gplib::tagsize = 32 |
Definition at line 13 of file MtuFormat.cpp.
Referenced by gplib::MtuFormat::WriteData().