Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
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oCgplib::AdaptiveFilterA generic base class for all types of adaptive filters
oCgplib::AnisoSurfaceWaveModelA class to store information about anisotropic surface wave models
oCgplib::AnisoSurfaceWaveSyntheticCalculate synthetic anisotropic surface wave data
oCgplib::ApplyFilterApply an adaptive filter to a time-series
oCgplib::ArraySampleGeneratorSequentially returns the elements of an array
oCgplib::CalcDensityCalculate density from a given S-velocity, the formula is taken from Owen et al. JGR 89,7783-7795 and modified for vs
oCgplib::CopyFromPointerCopy the objective function within the shared pointer
oCgplib::dominatesDetermines whether one vector of misfit values is partially less than the other
oCstd::exceptionSTL class
oCgplib::GeneralActivationFunctionThe base class for all activation functions in neural network
oCgplib::GeneralGAGeneral genetic algorithm class
oCgplib::GeneralLinearCombinerA linear combiner as a component of a neural network
oCgplib::GeneralNeuronThe base class for all neurons in a neural network
oCgplib::GeneralObjectiveThe basic object for any objective function, mainly an interface class and some storage
oCgplib::GeneralPopulationThe base class for the population of a genetic algorithm, implements storage and access functions
oCgplib::GeneralPropagationThe base class for genetic algorithm propagation methods
oCgplib::GeneralRNGThe base class for all random number generators, defines the basic interface
oCgplib::GeneralSelectGeneralSelect is the abstract base class for any selection mechanism in genetic algorithms
oCgplib::GeneralTranscribeGeneral Transcribe base class for genetic algorithm parameter transcription
oCgplib::GenObjectiveGenerate a new copy of the Objective function vector
oCgplib::MagneticTFStore th local magnetic transfer function (tipper)
oCModelAnalysisThe class ModelAnalysis is used to calculate resolution matrix, nullspace and other parameters for model analyis
oCgplib::MTSampleGeneratorGenerate random elements of a calculated quantity for MT impedance data
oCgplib::MTStationThe class MTStation is used to store the transfer functions and related information for a MT-site
oCgplib::MTStationListMTStationList holds a number of MTSites, usually associated with a single project, line, etc
oCgplib::MTTensorStores MT-Tensor components at a single frequency, calculates derived quantities
oCgplib::MtuFilterStore the filter coefficients for one component of Phoenix mtu data
oCgplib::MultiRecCalcThis class implements the multi-site receiver function calculation in the frequency domain as suggested by Gurrolla 1995
oCgplib::PTensorMTDataThis class is for the special case where we only have phase tensor data and errors, but not the full impedance
oCgplib::RecCalcThis class is used to calculate receiver functions from seismic data
oCgplib::RFVelCalcThis class implements the method to calculate absolute S-Wave velocities from Receiver function data as described by Sevnningsen and Jacobsen, GJI 2007
oCgplib::SeismicModelThe class SeismicModel is the base class for some of the model format for seismic codes
oCgplib::SeismicStationListManages a collection of seismic traces, mainly provides functionality to read in data specified in a file with names
oCgplib::StatErrEst< SampleGenerator >This class is used as a base for stochastic error estimation
oCgplib::SurfaceWaveDataA class to read, write and store fundamental mode surface wave dispersion data
oCgplib::SurfaceWaveModelA class to store 1D model for calculation of synthetic surface wave data
oCgplib::SurfaceWaveSyntheticCalculate synthetic fundamental mode Rayleigh phase velocity data from an isotropic 1D model
oCgplib::ThreeDMTModelThe class 3DMTModel manages 3D models for magnetotelluric model calculations, at this point this is only for file management and plotting purposes
oCgplib::TimeSeriesThis class is the base class for all classes dealing with MT time series
oCgplib::TimeSeriesDataTimeSeriesData stores a pointer to the different components of magnetotelluric data and provides functions to read and write it to files
oCgplib::TsSpectrumThe class CTsSpectrum is used to calculate spectra from (real) time series data
\Cgplib::UniquePopThis class stores a single unique copy of each population member that is added to it